Book Review: Easy by Tammara Webber

3.5 Stars out of 5.

Three and a half stars means I enjoyed the book.  Some of the characters stayed with me, but I can’t see myself reading the book again. But that might not be the fault of the novel or the author.

Easy is a YA novel about a college girl whose long-time boyfriend has dumped with her, is attacked by a would-be rapist, and finds herself drawn to the mysterious guy who saved her.   After the first few chapters, I found Easy to be a completely enjoyable read.  The characters were well-crafted.  Lucas was particular compelling – I felt like I knew this guy and knew the nature of his demons very quickly in the story.  Kudos to Tammara Webber for drafting realistic characters! Also Webber writes with a fluid voice that makes the words fall away – a hallmark of the kind of author I like.

It’s an excellent book for those who like issue books or novels whose only focus is romance.  I am not knocking those; they just aren’t my cup of tea, so that factors into the rating.  I love messages in novels, but simply prefer them to be embedded in, and subservient to the story rather than overwhelming it.  Easy almost satisfied me in that regard.  But in the end, I found the story somewhat too predictable, without any twists and turns, because it was being driven by the message.  But not for this, the book may have gotten five stars from me.

So if you enjoy those types of books, you should definitely read Easy.  And if you aren’t sure, for only $3.99 for the ebook, its worth taking a look anyway!