Day 54 of Gratitude – Spring Air

Yesterday, I went for a walk – OUTSIDE!!!  Today, I’ve been cleaning my office and my husband and I managed to move the last piece of Andrew’s furniture out the back door and around the house to the garage.  The air has that damp spring feel to it. The chill snaps in my nose in a pleasant way – not like the bite of sub-zero temperatures.  I can imagine the smell of wet dirt and earthworms soon to come.

I know that we’ll have single digit temperatures again later this week, but for now spring is in the air and I am SO grateful!

Day 50 of Gratitude – OMG! Grass!

It’s been a long winter. We got our heating bill the other day and it kindly listed the average monthly temperatures, perhaps as a proactive explanation for the size of the bill. Last January the average temperature was 37 degrees. This year it was 15. Brr.

Because of that, the snow that’s dropped from the successive snow storms has not melted. It just kept piling up.  But today, the third day of above freezing temperatures, I spied a patch of grass sticking through the melting snow. Just a small one – most of the yard is still covered by inches if not feet. Still, there it was: a nice reminder that no matter how bad the winter has been, spring will be here – eventually.