Day 36 of Gratitude – The Snow Warrior

I haven’t seen or heard much from my husband over the past month. He avoids me on those rare occasions when I’m sick, both to keep from getting sick himself and so as not to expose me to germs he might bring home from his office or clients. I’ve been lonely although, now that I’m nearly better, the past few days with him around have been very nice.

In one of my books, the protagonist realizes that love and caring is not found in words, but in the things people do. I was reminded of that this morning.

A winter storm dropped 7 inches of snow and thick layer of ice overnight. I heard Mark rustling around this morning, but rolled over and went back to sleep. While I was dosing, he went out and shoveled the extraordinarily heavy mess off the driveway alone. Sure, it needed to be done but I could have helped, at least some. He wanted me to rest and to not exert myself in the cold quite yet.

I love my snow warrior. Thanks!