The Insurmountable Wall of Language

Two travelers meet in the desert in a foreign land where they must throw their fortunes together to survive. They speak different languages that share an overlapping vocabulary. For example, in Frank’s language, the word “bot” means “sleep” while in Yuri’s language it means “anger.” The word “nasfly” means “guard”… Continue reading

Cows and Politics: The Deception of Words

When I first became a lawyer, I would tell my family about my cases. One evening over dinner, I told them about a farmer who sued stating that voltage running through his land was upsetting his cows. “Sucks to be him,” my husband sarcastically commented with no sympathy toward the plaintiff farmer…. Continue reading

The Angels of Summer

I didn’t think I was an unusual child. I had no perspective to realize that not everyone spent large portions of their lives talking to things other people couldn’t understand. Like the worm family that lived outside my back door, or the floating specks of dust in the air made… Continue reading