Meet one of my new friends, Author Selah Janel

I’ve head the pleasure of meeting a lot of authors and new friends over the past few months. This week, one of them, Selah Janel, sat down and allowed me to interview her so that you could get to know her too.

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Welcome, Selah!

Let’s start off by letting everyone know that you are an author. Can you tell us what you write?

I write in various genres: horror, fantasy, urban fantasy, general speculative, and I like crossing and combining them to break the limitations of any one genre.

Excellent! That’s a similar list to my own work. Because of that, I’m often asked what kind of readers like my books. Can you describe who is attracted to your stories?

I think people who enjoy my work are those that are willing to explore the genres or themes they know while being open-minded to have them changed up a bit. I like putting Easter eggs into my longer work, especially if it’s with a genre or topic I really know and love. I like twisting and turning, and really delving into what makes my characters who they are. At the end of the day I try very hard to pen good stories, so I think anyone who is into a interesting tale, no matter the genre, can get behind that.

What is it about those types of genres, themes and stories that appeals to you?

A lot of the genres I write in (fantasy, horror, speculative) really give possibility to a lot of variety. I like to challenge myself to wander off the beaten path to write something different or to do different takes on classic themes. It’s one of the reasons why folk and fairy tales appeal to me – although it’s in style to be using those now, the fact is they involve classic archetypes and there are an infinite amount of ways to explore those.  I also feel that a lot of the genres I write in really lend themselves to character explorations, which is another reason why I love to write.

I know you’ve recently released the first book in The Kingdom City Chronicles, called Olde School. Can you share the pitch for it?

OldeSchoolCoverFinal_650X433Kingdom City has moved into the modern era. Run by a lord mayor and city council (though still under the influence of the High King of The Land), it proudly embraces a blend of progress and tradition. Trolls, ogres, and other Folk walk the streets with humans, but are more likely to be entrepreneurs than cause trouble. Princesses still want to be rescued, but they now frequent online dating services to encourage lords, royals, and politicians to win their favor. The old stories are around, but everyone knows they’re just fodder for the next movie franchise. Everyone knows there’s no such thing as magic. It’s all old superstition and harmless tradition.

Bookish, timid, and more likely to carry a laptop than a weapon, Paddlelump Stonemonger is quickly coming to wish he’d never put a toll bridge over Crescent Ravine. While his success has brought him lots of gold, it’s also brought him unwanted attention from the Lord Mayor. Adding to his frustration, Padd’s oldest friends give him a hard time when his new maid seems inept at best and conniving at worst. When a shepherd warns Paddlelump of strange noises coming from Thadd Forest, he doesn’t think much of it. Unfortunately for him, the history of his land goes back further than anyone can imagine. Before long he’ll realize that he should have paid attention to the old tales and carried a club.

Darkness threatens to overwhelm not only Paddlelump, but the entire realm. With a little luck, a strange bird, a feisty waitress, and some sturdy friends, maybe, just maybe, Padd will survive to eat another meal at Trip Trap’s diner. It’s enough to make the troll want to crawl under his bridge, if he can manage to keep it out of the clutches of greedy politicians.

Do you have any appearances or new releases schedule that you’d like to tell us about?

I’m doing a lot of online promotion for Olde School this month, and I’m hoping to attend an event in Columbus on October 25, as well. As for new stuff, it’s all still in the works!

October 25th in Columbus?  I bet that’s the Off Con Season Party and Book Signing, which looks great. Despite living in Columbus, I’ll be in Indianapolis that day, so I hope everyone has a great time there without me!

Thanks for stopping by. Before you leave, let’s let people know where to find out more about you and your books?

Amazon page –

Website –

Facebook –

Twitter – @SelahJanel


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